Zeit: | 23. Oktober 2024, 17:45 Uhr |
Veranstaltungsort: | Universität Stuttgart, K2, Keplerstr, 17, 70174 Stuttgart, Tiefenhörsaal 17.02 |
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Our contemporary understanding of freedom is increasingly challenged by the profound consequences of climate change. This notion of freedom has long been intertwined with the idea of mobility, primarily reliant on fossil fuels. Will climate change reshape our conception of freedom? If so, how might it do so? Could a new understanding of freedom become a fundamental aspect of a post-carbon society?
Felix Heidenreich gives insights into our project „Future Freedoms“.
Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung “Science-Fiction for Future: Wissenschaft und Spekulation für Zukunftsentwürfe“ der Fakultät 1 – Architektur und Stadtplanung der Universität Stuttgart.