Reports on the series "Living, Learning, and Writing with AI: ChatGPT and the Consequences"

The discussion series on the opportunities and risks of self-learning dialogue systems started in summer 2023. Our university corporate communications team reports.

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In the fall of 2022, ChatGPT made it obvious to the general public for the first time what effect the spread of self-learning machines can have. The language capability of this self-learning dialogue system has advanced to the point where it could act as a learning coach, or even a full-fledged ghostwriter at some point. What are the implications for universities and schools? What approaches help to deal with this innovation appropriately? In a total of three discussion events, we dare to take a look into the near future with experts.

The following discussions have taken place:

Learning coach or ghostwriter? Academic work in the age of AI chatbots [DE]

Panel with Dr. Simone Rehm, Prof. Katharina Hölzle, Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr, Prof. Steffen Becker, the student representative Laura Wansitler and Dr. Thilo Hagendorff.

Report: Lebendige Debatte über KI-Chatbots und akademisches Arbeiten [DE]

Bots and Teachers - How is AI Changing Schools?

Panel with: PD Dr. Felix Heidenreich, Ruben Schäfauer, Florian Nuxoll, Jun.-Prof. Maria Wirzberger, and Irmi Mühlhuber.

Report: How is AI changing schools?

A series of panel discussions by IZKT and IRIS of the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Stuttgart Public Library, accompanied by the Prorector for Information Technology Dr. Simone Rehm.

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