Time: | July 26 – 29, 2007 |
Venue: | Tagungszentrum Hoheinheim, Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart |
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Cosmopolitan and transnational idea(l)s have a long history. After a look at some enlightenment concepts, we shall concentrate on the new vogue of cosmopolitan ideals in philosophy and postcolonial studies. Some of the main questions to be approached are: Are transnational ideas usually born at hegemonic 'centres' or do they also have emanciopatory potential for peripheral cultures (e.g. Pan-Africanism for African Americans)? How do versions of the transnational become complicit with economic globalization and cultural homogenization? How do versions of the transnational become complicit with economic globalization and cultural homogenization? What are/were the geographical and the historical contexts for (and the limitations of) the emergence of cosmopolitan/transnational ideas? Can political, legal and/or economic concepts of the transnational be mediated with cultural particularity and with nationalismsms?
Eine Veranstaltung des Internationalen Zentrums für Kultur- und Technikforschung und der Abteiliung Amerikanistik II der Universität Stuttgart. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der DFG.