Time: | February 6, 2009, 1:00 a.m. (CET) |
Venue: | Universität Stuttgart, Casino, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 24 |
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This conference aimed to assess the chainges in seeing and representing occasioned by one of the major characteristics of the 20th century: accelerated mobility. Vision and movement seem to have shifted centre stage in modes of experience in the last century: as a result of their joint effect, slow contemplative gazes at static images seem to be increasingly displaced by distracted glimpses and 'vernacular' viewing: Looking out of the window of a speeding car, receiving photographs of planet Earth from outer space, watching tthe flickering images on the TV screen, scrolling through a text or sending images via mobile phones or webcams - all these are unique visual experiances that were impossible before the invention of various technologies, which at the same time triggered specific aesthetics of, and responses to mobility.
This conference was organized by the Department of New English Literratures (NEL), University of Stuttgart, in cooperation with IZKT.
Panel I
Politics of Visual Practices
Elfi Bettinger (Stuttgart)
Moving in "Babel" - Visualising and Narrating Globalization
Annette Jael Lehmann (Berlin)
Translokale Bildpraktiken - Scheiternde Assimilation, gelingende Kopien?
Georgiana Banita (Konstanz)
Fiction and Surveillance Post 9/11
Panel II
Medialized Dynamics
Thomas Wägenbaur (Bruchsal)
Visual Anarchy on You Tube
Wolf-Dieter Ernst (München)
Mobile Aestetics
Sigrun Meinig (Dresden)
The Dynamics and Pragmatics of Photography: Moving Subjects and Narratives
Panel III
Spectatorship and Mobility
Laura Bieger (Berlin)
Travelers in Image_Space
Sabine Müller (Leipzig)
Zooming in and out of States - Implications of a Filmic Technique for Understanding Spectatorship im Transit
Christian Huck (Erlangen)
"Kriminalromane auf Reisen"
Panel IV
Visual Perspectives in Literature
Nicola Glaubitz (Siegen)
Literary Suspensions of Perception: Mobile Viewers and Moving Images in Dorothy Richardson's "Pilgrimage"
Julika Griem (Darmstadt)
Behind the Window, into the Streets: Spatializing Modernity in Contemporary South African Crime Fiction
Hans Ulrich Seeber ( Stuttgart)
The Fascination of the View from Above in Literary Texts from Samuel Butler to Carl Sagan.
Panel V
Theories in Motion
Christof Decker (München)
Historicizing the Moving Image
Christian Quendler (Innsbruck)
'Speed Mania' and 'Pictorial Hysterics': Early American Theories of Film by Lindsay and Victor Freeburg
Martin Klepper (Berlin)
Retrofitting Our Vision. R. Scott's "Blade Runner"